“Kuro no Shinryaku” (Dark Invasion), the first film for Yamato yo Towa ni: Rebel 3199 (Be Forever Yamato: Rebel 3199), the next project in the Space Battleship Yamato remakes, opened on July 19.
The staff for Yamato yo Towa ni: Rebel 3199 (Be Forever Yamato: Rebel 3199), the next project in the Space Battleship Yamato remakes, unveiled a new trailer and visual for the second film, “Sekijitsu no Shutsugeki” (The Assault of the Burning Sun) on Friday.
Yamato yo Towa ni (Be Forever Yamato) is also the title of the 1980 sequel to the original Yamato anime projects.
Crunchyroll is streaming the anime under the title Star Blazers: Space Battleship Yamato 3199.