The staff for the new live-action films of Hiroshi Motomiya’s manga classic Salaryman Kintaro debuted the full trailer for the second film, Salaryman Kintaro Sakigake-hen (Salaryman Kintaro: Vanguard), on Thursday.
The first film, titled Salaryman Kintaro Akatsuki-hen (Salaryman Kintaro: Dawn), will open on January 10, while the second film, titled Salaryman Kintaro Sakigake-hen (Salaryman Kintaro: Vanguard), will open on February 7.
Motomiya’s latest work on the manga is titled Salaryman Kintaro Gojūsai (Salaryman Kintaro 50 Years Old), which ran in Weekly Young Jump from 2015 to 2016.
Ballistik Boyz perform the theme song “Get Wild” for the first film Salaryman Kintaro Akatsuki-hen.