The official X/Twitter account for the Dengeki Novel Prize (Dengeki Shōsetsu Taishō) announced on Friday that the winner of the 31st award, Denji Yūtai (name romanization not confirmed), died suddenly of an unspecified illness on December 12.
Uzō added “even though there is only so much I can do, as long as I continue to be a writer, I can continue to let it be known that there was an award-winning author named ‘Denji Yūtai’.” The Dengeki Novel Prize contest launched in 1993 as a way to discover and cultivate new talent.
Denji Yūtai’s work Yōsei no Butsirigaku: PHysics PHenomenon PHantom (Fairy Physics: PHysics PHenomenon PHantom) won the Grand Prize for the 31st awards in November, out of 3,819 works submitted.
Sources: Dengeki Novel Prize’s X/Twitter account, Livedoor News via Yaraon!