The first film in the series, Digimon Adventure tri. Saikai (Reunion), opened in Japan last November, and the second film, Digimon Adventure tri. Ketsui (Determination), debuted in Japan on March 12.
Toei Animation’s official YouTube channel streamed a promotional video on Thursday for Digimon Adventure tri. Kokuhaku (Confession), the third movie in the Digimon Adventure tri. anime film series.
The project, which celebrates the 15th anniversary of Digimon Adventure (the first entry in the series), will have a total of six films.
The film opens in Japan for three weeks on September 24, and will be available for paid streaming in Japan on the same day.
KNIFE OF DAY「僕にとって」PV (デジモンアドベンチャー tri.第3章「告白」EDテーマ)