CONTRAIL, an animation production company based in Tokyo, has begun recruiting experienced in-between animators on July 1, and posted the third production preview video for director Sunao Katabuchi’s (Black Lagoon, In This Corner of the World) yet-titled next anime film.
The film will be produced by Katabuchi’s animation production company, CONTRAIL, with Chie Uratani (Hijikata Toshizo: Shiro no Kiseki) as assistant director, Masashi Ando (The Deer King) as animation director, and Toshiharu Mizutani (AKIRA) as art director.
The clip introduces animated images that are drawn based on live-action videos, the film’s black-and-white storyboards, and English poetry that conveys the theme..
片渕須直監督新作『つるばみ色のなぎ子たち』紹介映像第三弾 |KATABUCHI Sunao’s Next Work Part3. 2022.7.1