Yumemakura launched the Yūenchi: Baki Gaiden light novel series based on Keisuke Itagaki’s Baki manga franchise in Weekly Shōnen Champion in May 2018.
This year’s 47th issue of Akita Shoten’s Weekly Shōnen Champion magazine announced on Thursday that Baku Yumemakura’s Yūenchi: Baki Gaiden (Amusement Park: Baki Side Story) light novel series will end in the magazine’s next issue on October 28.
Yukinao Yamauchi (Baki Gaiden – Scarface) launched Baki Gaiden: Kizuzura, a Baki the Grappler spinoff, in the inaugural issue of Bessatsu Shōnen Champion magazine in 2012.
The Baki-Dou sequel series launched in Weekly Shōnen Champion in March 2014 as the third main sequel to the original Baki the Grappler manga, and it ended in April 2018.