Satoshi Kuwabara (Black Jack, The Quintessential Quintuplets) is directing the anime at Tezuka Productions, Keiichirō Ōchi (The Demon Girl Next Door, The Quintessential Quintuplets) is in charge of the series scripts, Masatsune Noguchi (Hakushon Daimaō, My Home Hero) is designing the characters, and Shu Kanematsu (Castle Town Dandelion, My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!) and Miki Sakurai (The Quintessential Quintuplets, My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!) are composing the music.
The official website for the anime of Kouji Seo’s The Café Terrace and Its Goddesses (Megami no Café Terrace) manga began streaming a character video on Friday for the character Ami Tsuruga (voiced by Sayumi Suzushiro).
The website also revealed a new visual for the character.
Seo (Fuuka, A Town Where You Live, Suzuka) launched the manga in Kodansha’s Weekly Shōnen Magazine in February 2021.