TV Tokyo announced on Wednesday that the live-action series adaptation of Masayuki Kusumi and Jiro Taniguchi’s Kodoku no Gourmet (Solitary Gourmet) manga will have its seventh consecutive New Year’s special titled “Kodoku no Gourmet 2023 Ōmisoka Special Inagashira Gorō, Minami e Tōhikō ‘Sagasanaide Kudasai.'”
Both the Kodoku no Gourmet live-action series and original manga follow a solitary salesman named Gorō Inagashira as he travels all over Japan and samples the local cuisine found on street corners.
(Solitary Gourmet 2023 New Year’s Eve Special: Gorō Inagashira Flees to the South ‘Please Don’t Look for Me’) on December 31 at 10:00 p.m. JST.
Inagashira Gorō no Sainan~ (Solitary Gourmet ~It’s Tasty But Slightly Bitter…