The staff for the television anime of Nujima’s Mysterious Disappearances (Kaii to Otome to Kamikakushi) manga revealed on Sunday that Naomi Ōzora, and Masako Nozawa are joining the cast of the anime.
Yuyu performs the opening song “Hazard Symbol,” and Nonoka Ōbuchi performs the ending theme song “Shuku Somete Shinzō” (Scarlet-Dyed Heart).
The modern-day bizarre Romanesque story follows Sumireko Ogawa, an aspiring novelist who loves mysteries and works at a bookstore with a boy named Ren Adashino.
The anime will premiere on April 10 on the AT-X channel at 10:30 p.m. JST, then on Tokyo MX and BS NTV at 24:00 JST (effectively, April 11 at 12 midnight JST).