Post by
Adelina Chu
  • Hirayasumi is a gem of a slice-of-life manga that gently immerses readers into the soothing world of its characters. Shinzo’s storytelling has a calming, almost meditative quality that beautifully captures the nuances of everyday life. The narrative delves into the characters’ beliefs, joys, and anxieties, inviting us to understand them deeply. Each scene is crafted with care, making it impossible to put the book down. The peaceful yet engaging portrayal of their lives feels like a comforting embrace, drawing readers in with its warmth.

  • Hiroto’s laid-back attitude towards life is both refreshing and enviable in the face of today’s stressful world. His easygoing approach, while unconventional, offers a delightful contrast to the hustle and bustle of modern society. Despite the challenges and expectations surrounding him, Hiroto remains unbothered, moving at his own pace. This relaxed lifestyle, however, doesn’t mean he’s indifferent. He deeply cares for those around him, like Wada, the elderly woman who leaves him her house, showcasing his capacity for genuine connection and compassion.

  • Natsumi’s journey is just as compelling as Hiroto’s, adding another layer to the story. As she navigates the overwhelming city life and the pressures of university, her struggle to find her footing is relatable and heartfelt. The contrast between her anxiety and Hiroto’s calm creates a dynamic that enriches the narrative. Watching Natsumi slowly begin to find her place, while Hiroto offers subtle support, is both touching and inspiring. As the story progresses, the introduction of new characters promises exciting developments, making the anticipation for volume 2 all the more thrilling. Thanks to Viz Media for sending in a review copy.

Rating: 5/5

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