Post by
Malena Hoff
  • This volume of Boy’s Abyss masterfully brings together all the intertwined stories we’ve been following, converging them in a way that’s both thrilling and intense. It’s like watching a chaotic traffic jam where everything collides at once, creating an exhilarating narrative. Nagi might be in Tokyo, but her absence only amplifies the tension back in the small town, where the story edges towards a crescendo of dark, Higurashi-level suspense. The stakes are higher than ever, and the anticipation is palpable.

  • Ryo Minenami proves his prowess in the dark, gritty slice-of-life genre with this volume, rivaling the best in the field. Just when you think the story has reached its darkest point, it plunges even deeper, leaving you captivated and craving more. The disturbing moments are not just shock value; they are a testament to the exceptional storytelling that pulls you into this twisted world, making you care deeply about these flawed, fascinating characters.

  • Boy’s Abyss continues to be a standout series, with each volume drawing you deeper into its dark and complex world. This installment sheds new light on characters we’ve come to see in a certain way, especially Esemori and Reiji’s mother. The backstories provided add layers of depth, shifting our understanding and making their motivations more intriguing. The evolving drama keeps you on the edge, eager to see how these dynamics will play out in the next volume. Fantastic review copy sent to The Artifice by VIZ Media.

Rating: 5/5

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