TV Tokyo announced on Thursday that the live-action series of Masayuki Kusumi and Jiro Taniguchi’s Kodoku no Gourmet (Solitary Gourmet) manga will have its eighth consecutive New Year’s special, tentatively titled Kodoku no Gourmet 2024 Ōmisoka Special (Solitary Gourmet 2024 New Year’s Eve Special), on December 31 at 10:00 p.m. JST (8:00 a.m. EST).
The live-action film of Masayuki Kusumi and Jiro Taniguchi’s Kodoku no Gourmet (Solitary Gourmet) manga will open on January 10.
Masayuki Kusumi and Jiro Taniguchi first serialized the Kodoku no Gourmet manga from 1994 to 1996 in Fusosha’s Monthly Panja magazine (now defunct).
The franchise also had a six-episode live-action mini-series project titled Kodoku no Gourmet ~Oishii kedo Horo Nigai…