Toei Animation announced on Friday that Crunchyroll will stream Witchy Precure! ~MIRAI DAYS~ (Mahō Tsukai Precure!!: MIRAI DAYS), the direct sequel to the Witchy Pretty Cure! anime as part of the winter 2025 season, starting with the first two episodes on Saturday.
Rie Kitagawa returns to perform the anime’s opening theme song “Dokkin Mahō Tsukai Precure! Part 3,” continuing on from her theme songs for Witchy Pretty Cure! titled “”Dokkin Mahō Tsukai Precure!” and “”Dokkin Mahō Tsukai Precure! Part 2”.
The Mahō Tsukai Precure!!: MIRAI DAYS sequel is one of two 20th anniversary projects that Toei Animation announced for the Precure franchise in March 2023.
Precure 5 sequel series Power of Hope: Precure Full Bloom, is credited as series director.