By collecting multiple serial numbers, participants can enter lottery-style drawings to win various prizes, ranging from Kenshiro-inspired leather jackets (50 prizes total) to 6-volume collections of Fist of the North Star: Strawberry Flavor (300 prizes total) to QUO gift cards worth 500 yen.
By purchasing specially marked 480ml bottles of Mets Cola, fans will receive a serial number that grants access to 1 of 4 different Fist of the North Star: Cola-Flavored comics created by Yūshi Kawata and Imōto Yukito, the writer and illustrator behind Fist of the North Star: Strawberry Flavor.
Beginning in January of 2017, a wacky promotional campaign entitled “The Hero is Cola-Flavored!” combines Mets Cola (a product of Kirin Company, Ltd.) with characters from post-apocalyptic spoof Fist of the North Star: Strawberry Flavor.