The Japanese cast includes Keisuke Ueda as Heine Wittgenstein, Yūya Asato as Kai von Grannzreich, the 2nd Prince, Yūto Adachi as Bruno von Grannzreich, the 3rd Prince, Daisuke Hirose as Leonhardt von Grannzreich, the 4th Prince, Shouta Aoi as Richt von Grannzreich, the 5th Prince, Shinnosuke Tachibana as Maximilian, Daisuke Namikawa as Ludwig, Toshiyuki Morikawa as Victor von Grannzreich and Takuya Eguchi as Rosenberg.
Plot concept: Accepting the post of Royal Tutor at the court of the king of Grannzreich, Heine Wittgenstein is a little professor with a big job ahead!
The show was directed by Katsuya Kikuchi based on the series composition by Kimiko Ueno.