The show has the opening theme of “Shiny Happy Days” by Yuki Yagi, Iori Saeki, Shiori Izawa, Miku Itō, Yuri Noguchi, & Marin Mizutani while the ending theme is “Yōdamari no Kaori” by Yuki Yagi & Iori Saeki.
The Japanese cast includes Yuki Yagi as Chocola, Iori Saeki as Vanilla, Shiori Izawa as Azuki, Miku Itō as Maple, Yuri Noguchi as Cinnamon, Marin Mizutani as Coconut, M.A.
The series will be available to viewers in the US, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand.
They’ve got the CD releases coming up for the show and have separate spots out for them ahead of their February 19th, 2020 debut.