The English cast is set with Josh Grelle as Shimazu Toyohisa, Robert McCollum as Oda Nobunaga, Justin Briner as Nasu no Yoichi, Mark Stoddard as Scipio Africanus, R Bruce Elliott as Hannibal Barca, J. Michael Tatum as Butch Cassidy, Kent Williams as Sundance Kid, Justin Cook as Naoshi Kanno, Sonny Strait as Tamon Yamaguchi, Colleen Clinkenbeard as Jeanne D’Arc, Christopher R. Sabat as Gilles de Rais, Rachel Robinson as Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova, Christopher Bevins as Grigori Rasputin, Ian Sinclair as Hijikata Toshizo, Jeremy Schwartz as Black King, David Wald as Murasaki, Chris Patton as Abe no Seimei (Harukira), Gwendolyn Lau as Olminu, Aaron Roberts as Kafet, Monica Rial as EASY, Greg Ayres as Minamoto no Yoshitsune, Mikaela Krantz as Masha and Apphia Yu as Mark.
The ADR director for it is Christopher Bevins as he’s working with ADR engineer Matt Grounds and mix engineer Nathanael Harrison.
With the first episode of Drifters with the SimulDub set to debut at 10:00pm ET tonight, Funimation has brought out a new clip from it.
Plot concept: Shimazu Toyohisa, whilst involved at the Battle of Sekigahara, manages to mortally wound Ii Naomasa, but is critically wounded in the process.