The Japanese cast includes Taichi Ichikawa as Bam, Saori Hayami as Rachel, Houchu Ohtsuka as Headon, Akira Sekine as Anaak Jahad, Rie Suegara as Endorsi Jahad, Mariko Honda as Yuri Jahad, Kazuyuki Okitsu as Evan Endroch, Toshinari Fukamachi as Hatz, Nobuhiko Okamoto as Khun Aguero Agnes, Kenta Miyake as Rak Wraithraiser, and Takuya Eguchi as Shibisu.
The English cast includes Johnny Yong Bosch as Bam, Valerie Rose Lohman as Rachel, Christopher Swindle as Headon, Chris Hackney as Khun Aguero Agnis, Matthew David Rudd as Rak Wraithraiser, Kira Buckland as Yuri Jahad, Kyle McCarley as Evan Edroch, Cherami Leigh as Anaak Jahad, Nicolas Roye as Hatz, Scott Whyte as Shibisu, Jeannie Tirado as Endorsi Jahad, Trent Mills as Lero Ro, Lucien Dodge as Hansung Yu, and Cristina Vee as Serena.
The latest subtitled clip that has arrived comes from the ninth episode where Ranker Quant is now dealing with both Endorsi and Bam, though it’s Endorsi taking the lead at first.
The series was directed by Takashi Sano based on the series composition by Erika Yoshida.