The live-streamed “Fate/Grand Order Chaldea Broadcasting Station Light Version ~Gudaguda 2023~” presentation announced on Wednesday that the Fate/Grand Order: Fujimaru Ritsuka wa Wakaranai (Fate/Grand Order: Ritsuka Fujimaru Doesn’t Get It) anime will have a new special on December 31. The Dai Bōnen O-Tanoshi Kai (Great Year-End Party) special will be part of the annual “Fate Project New Year’s Eve TV Special” program that will air and stream on that day at 10:00 p.m. JST (8:00 a.m. EST).
Tsuchida’s Fate/Grand Order: Fujimaru Ritsuka wa Wakaranai slapstick comedy manga follows humanity’s last Master Ritsuka Fujimaru.
The program will provide the latest news on this year’s Fate/Samurai Remnant, Fate/Grand Order itself, and other game content.
The Fate/Grand Order YouTube channel began streaming the short anime’s first two episodes on February 4, followed by more episodes on Tuesdays.