The game’s 16 Servants include the Saber class servants Artoria Pendragon (voiced by Ayako Kawasumi), Nero Claudius (voiced by Sakura Tange), Attila (voiced by Mamiko Noto), and Gawain (voiced by Takahiro Mizushima); Caster class servants Tamamo no mae (voiced by Chiwa Saito) and Archimedes (voiced by Kazuyuki Okitsu); Archer class servants Mumei (“no name,” voiced by Junichi Suwabe) and Gilgamesh (voiced by Tomokazu Seki); Ruler class servant Jeanne d’Arc (voiced by Maaya Sakamoto); Lancer class servants Elizabeth Báthory (voiced by Rumi Ookubo), Karna (voiced by Koji Yusa), and Cuú Chulainn (voiced by Nobutoshi Kanna); Rider class Iskandar (voiced by Akio Ohtsuka) and Medusa (voiced by Yuu Asakawa); Assassin class servant Li Shuwen (voiced by Kunihiko Yasui); and Berserker class servant Ryofu Hōsen (voiced by Kunihiko Yasui).
XSEED Games is releasing the game in North America in early 2017, delayed from its previous winter 2016 release window.
The edition will contain a custom box, a hardcover art book, 16 cards depicting the game’s Servants, and a cloth poster.
XSEED Games began streaming four English-subtitled trailers to highlight the Servants Nameless (Mumei, or “no name”), Gawain, Cu Chulainn, and Li Shuwen from its upcoming Fate/EXTELLA: The Umbral Star PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita action game on Tuesday.
Fate/EXTELLA: The Umbral Star - Li Shuwen Character Trailer