Godzilla Minus One live-action film producers Hisashi Usui, the late Shuji Abe, Kenji Yamada, Kazuaki Kishida, Gō Abe, and Keiichirō Moriya received the general award.
The Fujimoto Awards, named after Shachō and Wakadaishō series producer Sanezumi Fujimoto, recognize the achievements of film producers who have worked on popular and entertaining films.
Toshiyuki Matsui, the producer of The First Slam Dunk anime film, received the general award, and producers Katsuhiro Takei and Mikito Bizenjima won the rookie award for the Blue Giant anime film in last year’s Fujimoto Awards.
Japan’s Eiga Engeki Bunka Kyōkai (Film Theater Culture Association) announced the winners of its 43rd annual Fujimoto Awards on Monday.