The portal website revealed the cast, new visual, and November 19 debut date for Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin IV: Unmei no Zenya (Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin IV Eve of Destiny), the fourth episode of the Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin anime, on Thursday.
The anime project adapts Yoshikazu Yasuhiko’s manga of the same name, which in turn is inspired by the first Mobile Suit Gundam anime’s story.
The episode will also cover the development of the MS-04 and the RX-78 Gundam mobile suits, as well as the first ever mobile suit battle in history.
The fourth episode will feature Char’s “fateful encounter” with the girl Lalah Sune, the first Gundam anime’s protagonist Amuro Ray, and “the legendary Dr. Minovsky” (whose physics breakthroughs eventually led to mobile suit warfare).