The staff of the Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin anime announced during the “Gundam Live Expo ~Zeon no Seiki~” event on Sunday that Hiroko Moriguchi will be the theme song artist for Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin IV: Unmei no Zenya (Fateful Eve), the anime’s fourth episode.
The screenings of the anime’s third episode, Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin III: Dawn of Rebellion (Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin III Akatsuki no Hōki), ended with a teaser that confirms that the current Char/Sayla arc of the anime will end with the fourth episode this fall.
Moriguchi previously performed theme songs for Mobile Suit Gundam F91, Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, and One-Punch Man, among others.
The anime project adapts Yoshikazu Yasuhiko’s manga of the same name, which in turn is inspired by the first Mobile Suit Gundam anime’s story.