The first film, titled Salaryman Kintaro Akatsuki-hen (Salaryman Kintaro Dawn), will open on January 10, while the second film, titled Salaryman Kintaro Sakigake-hen (Salaryman Kintaro Vanguard), will open on February 7.
The manga has inspired a live-action film directed by Takashi Miike, several live-action drama series, and a 2001 anime series that Arts Magic released in North America.
The combined fourth and fifth issue of Shueisha’s Young Jump magazine announced on Thursday that Hiroshi Motomiya will launch a new series titled Enma in the next issue on January 9.
Motomiya ended his Takeki Ōgon no Kuni: Takahashi Korekiyo, the latest manga from his Takeki Ōgon no Kuni manga series, in April 2023.