While dropping to second place for the first time, the Detective Conan anime franchise’s 24th feature film Meitantei Conan: Hiiro no Dangan / Detective Conan: The Scarlet Bullet earned 135 million yen (1.23 million USD) on 93,000 admissions in its fifth weekend, bringing its total domestic gross to 6.2 billion yen (56.8 million USD) with 4.43 milllion ticket sales.
The film has added another 70 million yen (641,000 USD) since last weekend, and its total domestic gross is now 39.97 billion yen (366 million USD), only 30 million yen is needed to reach the historic 40 billion yen mark.
It is expected to rank fourth soon by surpassing the 20th film The Darkest Nightmare’s 6.33 billion yen.