The staff for Shigeyoshi Tsukahara and Twiflo’s original full-length anime film project Kurayukaba announced on Friday that the film will open in Japan on April 12, 2024. The staff also revealed a brand-new spinoff full-length anime film titled Kuramerukagari, which will also open in Japan on April 12, 2024. will significantly shake the fate of the detective!
The campaign raised 6,901,864 yen (about US$63,000) from 397 backers: 276% of its 2,500,000 yen (about US$22,100) goal.
The Kurayukaba project’s first crowdfunding campaign ran from December 2018 to February 2019 to fund the pilot film.
The campaign reached its 4,000,000 yen (about US$35,300) stretch goal to create a one-minute video (the original goal was for a 30-second video).