The Japanese cast includes Ai Kayano as Saori Takebe, Ikumi Nakagami as Yukari Akiyama, Mai Fuchigami as Miho Nishizumi, Mami Ozaki as Hana Isuzu and Yuka Iguchi as Mako Reizei.
With MVM Entertainment previously bringing out the Girls und Panzer TV series back in 2014, they’re now coming back to bring out more of it.
The English cast for the TV series includes Caitlynn French as Hana Isuzu, Jessica Calvello as Saori Takabe, Meg McDonald as Miho Nishizumi, Molly Searcy as Mako Reizi and Rebekah Stevens as Yukari Akiyama.
Which is how Miho Nishizumi, who HATES operating tanks, gets drafted to join doomsday-driven driver Mako, even-triggered gunner Hana, highly receptive radio operator Saori and combustible tank-fangirl and loader Yukari as the incomparable Anko Team.