The anime started its second arc, “Terapagos no Kagayaki” (The Brilliance of Terapagos), with its 29th episode in October 2023 in Japan.
The Pokémon Company had originally announced that the anime would debut on Netflix in the U.S. on February 23, but the series debuted instead on March 7.
The anime features Sprigatito, Fuecoco, and Quaxly from the Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet video games, and also the Legendary Pokémon Rayquaza in its Shiny form.
The anime also introduces the new characters Friede and Captain Pikachu, who are a Pokémon professor and Pokémon partner duo who battle alongside Liko and Roy.
Pokémon Horizons: Season 2 | Coming February 7 to Netflix | Official Trailer