The main English cast includes Austin Tindle as Riku Yagami, Natalie Hoover as Nana Sakurai, Ricco Fajardo as Takeru Fujiwara, Aaron Dismuke as Touya Natsunagi, Anthony Bowling as Tetsu Hachiya, Bryce Papenbrook as Yuri Himemiya, Chris Burnett as Hajime Izumino, Chris Guerrero as Hisato Harigaya, Chris Patton as Shiki Dozono and Christopher Bevins as Takeshi Eifuku.
The story takes place at Honan Academy where first year high school students Takeru Fujiwara and Nana Sakurai try to recruit members for their “Stride” club.
Funimation brought out back on April 25th, 2017 the Prince of Stride: Alternative series and the promotion for it continues.
The series was directed by Atsuko Ishizuka based on the overall series composition from Taku Kishimoto and character designs by Kokunen Ou.
Prince of Stride - Official Clip - What really matters