Manga creator Yuzuru Shimazaki launched a reboot of Leiji Matsumoto’s 1972 Gun Frontier manga in the December issue of Akita Shoten’s Monthly Champion RED magazine on Wednesday titled Gun Frontier ~Harlock & Tochirō Seishun no Tabi~ (Gun Frontier ~Harlock & Tochirō’s Youthful Journey).
The manga is notable for introducing the character of Tochirō, who would be a recurring character in Matsumoto’s stories surrounding the Captain Harlock character.
Matsumoto serialized the original manga in Akita Shoten’s Play Comic magazine from 1972 to 1975.
The December issue of Monthly Champion RED also included a copy of Shōnen Plasma Sentai, a previously uncollected manga Matsumoto published in Akita Shoten’s Bōken Ō magazine when he still went by the name of Akira Matsumoto.