The Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san anime adaptation of the manga by Rimukoro got underway on Funimation this past spring as The Helpful Fox Senko-san.
The main dub cast includes Kristen McGuire as Senko, Aaron Campbell as Nakano, Kristin Sutton as Shiro, Hayden Daviau as Kōenji, and Dawn M. Bennett as Yozora.
The Japanese cast includes: Azumi Waki as Senko, Junichi Suwabe as Nakano, Maaya Uchida as Shiro, Ayane Sakura as Kōenji, and Eri Kitamura.
The series has Jad Saxton directing with Morgan Garrett while Kristen McGuire is working on the scripts for it.
Tough Day? That’s Okay! | The Helpful Fox Senko-san (SimulDub Clip)