The original Japanese cast returned for the project as well with Minori Chihara as Yuki Nagato, Tomokazu Sugita as Kyon, Natsuko Kuwatani as Ryoko Asakura, Yuko Goto as Mikuru Asahina, Yuki Matsuoka as Tsuruya-san, Minoru Shiraishi as Taniguchi, Megumi Matsumoto as Kunikida, Daisuke Ono as Itsuki Koizumi and Aya Hirano as Haruhi Suzumiya.
Plot concept: From the creator of the international hit The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya comes a new spinoff featuring familiar faces!
The English cast includes Michelle Ruff as Nagato, Crispin Freeman as Kyon, Bridget Hoffman as Asakura, Wendee Lee as Haruhi, Stephanie Sheh as Mikuru and Kari Wahlgren as Tsuruya.
No true Haruhi devotee should miss The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan!
The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-Chan - Coming Soon