The official website for the television anime of Takibi Amamori and Imigimuru’s Too Many Losing Heroines! (Make Heroine ga Ooisugiru!)light novel series started streaming the anime’s first full promotional video on Sunday.
The video also reveals and previews the ending theme song “LOVE2000” by the character Anna Yanami as voiced by Hikaru Tohno.
The anime stars Shūichirō Umeda as Kazuhiro Nukumizu, Hikaru Tohno as Anna Yanami, Shion Wakayama as Remon Yakishio, and Momoka Terasawa as Chika Komari.
Amamori released the first volume of the novel series in July 2021 under Shogakukan’s Gagaga Bunko light novel label, with illustrations by Imigimuru.