Ultraman Orb, the latest entry in the Ultra series of tokusatsu TV shows by Tsuburaya Productions, will continue the heroic adventures of Gai Kurenai / Ultraman Orb with an upcoming theatrical film entitled Gekijoban Ultraman Orb: Kizuna no Chikara, Okarishimasu! (“Ultraman Orb the Movie: I’m Borrowing the Power of Your Bonds!”).
The cast of Gekijoban Ultraman Orb: Kizuna no Chikara, Okarishimasu! includes: Hideo Ishiguro, Miyabi Matsuura, Naoto Takahashi, Hiroaki Nerio, Takaya Aoyagi, Shingo Yanagisawa, Oniyakko Tsubaki, Kensuke Takahashi, and Kohji Moritsugu.
Gekijoban Ultraman Orb: Kizuna no Chikara, Okarishimasu! is directed by Kiyotaka Taguchi and features a screenplay by Takao Nakano.