The “Monsterverse” Hollywood franchise currently includes the 2014 Godzilla film, the 2017 Kong: Skull Island film, the 2019 Godzilla: King of the Monsters film, the 2021 Godzilla vs. Kong film, and Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire.
Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire, the latest film in Warner Bros. and Legendary Entertainment’s “Monsterverse” series, opened in the United States on March 29.
Deadline reported on Friday that Warner Bros. and Legendary’s next film in the “Monsterverse” franchise has cast Kaitlyn Dever (Dopesick, Booksmart, upcoming The Last of Us second season).
The Hollywood Reporter had reported on June 6 that Grant Sputore (I Am Mother) will direct the next entry in Warner Bros. and Legendary Entertainment’s “Monsterverse” franchise.