The 2011 anime series Hanasaku Iroha and its film are now streaming on YouTube for free for residents of Japan with proceeds going towards aid. The January 1 magnitude-7.6 earthquake centered on the Noto Peninsula of Ishikawa Prefecture caused widespread damage and has displaced approximately 30,000 people.
All video proceeds raised from the view count will go to benefit earthquake relief efforts.
Now, there’s a new creative way for the masses to raise money for relief efforts simply by doing something that many people already do on a regular basis–watching anime.
Hanasaku Iroha (花咲くいろは), also known as Hanairo, with an English subtitle of Blossoms for Tomorrow, is a 2011 TV anime series boasting two manga adaptations and a 2013 feature film called Hanasaku Iroha: The Movie — Home Sweet Home.