Montreal’s 26th Fantasia International Film Festival announced on Twitter on Sunday that Masaaki Yuasa’s INU-OH, the musical anime feature film of Hideo Furukawa’s Heike Monogatari: INU-OH no Maki (Tales of the Heike: Inu-Oh) novel, has won the The Satoshi Kon Award for Best Animated Feature, and the Satoshi Kon Jury awarded a special mention to loundraw’s Summer Ghost film.
Kosuke Mukai and Yuki Tanada’s My Broken Mariko film has won The Best Screenplay Award (Cheval Noir Competition), and Takashi Hirano’s Kappei film has won The New Flesh Award for Best First Feature.
It is screening the Canadian premiere the feature-length anime for Nagabe’s The Girl from the Other Side: Siúil, a Rún manga and the Quebec premiere of INU-OH.
The festival is screening North American premiere of Studio Khara’s new Shin Ultraman (New Ultraman) film and the Canadian premiere of Atsuko Ishizuka and Madhouse’s Goodbye, Don Glees! original anime film.