The staff includes Katsuya Kikuchi (The Royal Tutor, Idol Memories) as original creator and director, Michiko Yokote (Shirobako, Tsurune) as the scenario writer, Rena Okuyama (The Royal Tutor) as the character designer and chief animation director, Chinami Sekine (Idol Memories, The Royal Tutor, Children of the Whales) as animation director, Kaie Tada as costume designer, BABI as “supervisor of magic,” and Keiji Inai (The Royal Tutor) as the composer.
Riel enters a magic school, reaches out his heart to a masked gentleman, gradually overcomes discrimination, gets along with his schoolmates.
The protagonist named Riel lost his mother and elder brother by his red eyes and felt no hope.
But, the eyes of a masked gentleman are burning with dark fire for some reason…