The first season premiered as a “double broadcast,” airing in the mornings Mondays-Fridays within the Oha-Suta (“Good Morning Star”) program on TV Tokyo, and at night on TV Tokyo, TV Aichi, and TV Osaka.
The official website for the television anime of Shūichi Asō’s The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. manga began streaming a commercial for the second season on Monday.
The morning broadcast aired five episodes each week, and the late-night broadcast collected those five episodes and aired them together.
The anime will premiere late at night on January 16 at 25:35 (effectively January 17 at 1:35 a.m.) on TV Tokyo, TV Hokkaido, and TV Osaka, and will air later that night on TV Aichi, TV Setouchi, and TVQ Kyushu Broadcasting.