The official website for Uma Musume Pretty Derby: Shinjidai no Tobira (Uma Musume Pretty Derby: Beginning of a New Era), a new anime film in the Uma Musume Pretty Derby franchise, announced on Saturday that a compilation film of the Uma Musume Pretty Derby: Road to the Top net anime with new scenes will be screening in theaters in Japan for two weeks from May 10.
The anime franchise includes three previous TV anime seasons, the Uma Musume Pretty Derby: Road to the Top net anime, and the Umayon spinoff television anime.
The Uma Musume Pretty Derby: Beginning of a New Era film will open in theaters in Japan on May 24.
Cygames is also publishing several spinoff manga for the franchise on Cycomi, including Uma Musume Pretty Derby: Haru Urara Ganbaru! and Starting Gate: Uma Musume Pretty Derby.